dental bridge; It is the process of making a fixed prosthesis with support from adjacent dental tissues or implants in the gap areas formed as a result of tooth loss due to various reasons. These prostheses make it possible to eliminate the aesthetic and functional losses caused by missing teeth.

How Is Dental Bridge Treatment Performed?

Dental bridge treatments can be completed in an average of one week. However, this process may vary depending on the number and condition of the teeth to be treated or the preferred treatment method. After the general health checks of the teeth are made in the first examination session, the condition of the missing tooth area and its relationship with the neighboring tissues are examined. As a result of these examinations, the treatment alternatives that can be applied are determined and presented to the patient. If dental bridge application is preferred, first of all, the design features of the prosthesis are determined in accordance with the condition of the teeth and the expectation of the patient. In the treatment session, if teeth are to be used as the supporting tissue of the bridge prosthesis, varying amounts of abrasion are applied depending on the planned prosthesis properties. In cases where the implants will support, the implant parts suitable for the prosthesis to be made are selected and placed. With these applications, the necessary space is created for the fixation of the bridge prosthesis to be prepared. Then, measurements are taken from the patient so that the arrangements can be adapted to the design. During the preparation of permanent prostheses, the continuity of the aesthetic appearance and functions of the teeth is ensured by the application of temporary prosthesis. In the next treatment session, the compatibility of the permanent dentures with the teeth or implant parts is checked and when the ideal fit is achieved, the bridge prosthesis is permanently attached.

How Does the Post-Treatment Process Proceed?

After dental bridge treatment, it is easy to return to daily life routine. Minimal tooth sensitivity may be observed in the first few days following the treatment, but the severity of this condition is usually low enough to not cause loss of comfort. In cases where the missing tooth continues for a long time, it may take some time to get used to the position of the prosthesis in the region. However, after the tissues re-adapt to their ideal positions, this problem disappears completely. In order to ensure the maintenance of dental bridges, it is sufficient to remove dental plaques by giving importance to oral hygiene. With routine tooth brushing and appropriate dental floss applications, all areas where the bridge is in contact with the oral tissues should be carefully cleaned, and the condition of the prosthesis should be followed up with routine dentist controls.

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