When we neglect our daily dental and oral care, food residues that accumulate on and between the teeth produce bacteria. This bacterial plaque hardens by combining with saliva and thus the formation of dental calculus takes place. Dental calculus, whose cleaning is neglected, can cause gingivitis and gum diseases, as well as cause a bad appearance in the future. For this reason, dental calculus should be cleaned as soon as possible.
How Is Teeth Cleaning Performed?
In scaling cleaning, the dentist decides to do the necessary standard or advanced dental cleaning types by performing an oral examination of the patient. Treatment is usually done with some ultrasonic and periodontal instruments without the use of anesthesia. In the cleaning process, plaque and tartar are removed from between your teeth and from your gum line, and then polished to prevent tartar formation and shine your teeth. If necessary, during tartar cleaning, the spaces between the teeth are cleaned with dental floss. In addition, the root surfaces of some teeth may need to be cleaned. In this case, it removes the tartar from the area in a controlled manner.
How is calculus formed and how is it prevented?
Some of the causes of tartar formation are the structure of saliva, areas where saliva is intense, insufficient and incorrect tooth brushing, not paying attention to oral and dental care, personal factors, and frequent consumption of carbohydrate and sugary foods.
In scaling cleaning, the dentist decides to do the necessary standard or advanced dental cleaning types by performing an oral examination of the patient. Treatment is usually done with some ultrasonic and periodontal instruments without the use of anesthesia. In the cleaning process, plaque and tartar are removed from between your teeth and from your gum line, and then polished to prevent tartar formation and shine your teeth. If necessary, during tartar cleaning, the spaces between the teeth are cleaned with dental floss. In addition, the root surfaces of some teeth may need to be cleaned. In this case, it removes the tartar from the area in a controlled manner.