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Surgical Tooth Extraction

Surgical tooth extraction is performed in conditions where the tissues surrounding the tooth cannot provide the necessary environment for performing simple tooth extractions. The process is carried out by the arrangement of surrounding tissues.

When Is a Surgical Tooth Extraction Performed?

Surgical tooth extraction procedures are performed in cases where the tooth is completely or partially embedded in the jawbone. The extraction of this tooth, which remains embedded in the jawbone, is planned when the tooth in question plays a role as a disease factor or is an obstacle to the treatments that must be applied in the mouth. Surgical tooth extraction treatments are most often used to perform the removal of 20 embedded teeth and teeth that are broken or have been severely damaged at a level that will remain below the gum level, also known as complex tooth extraction.

How Does the Process Progress After Surgical Tooth Extraction?

Surgical tooth extraction can be performed painlessly under local anesthesia. It is normal that minimal pain and edema occur after application. However, during the first 24 hours, the healing process can be carried out comfortably by applying cold compresses to the area, taking care of oral care, and regularly using medications prescribed by the doctor.

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